I have been enslaved by my laziness to complete my SD Nu. The poor thing has been in the closet for months. Good thing, a friend asked me to paint his old HG 1/100 Wing Zero. Ah, I have been a fan of the unit ever since. Itching from my Robot Damashii Wing Zero (please do take note that this is the TV version and not the OVA Katoki) which is 2 months away from now, I have accepted his favor and surely it brought my GunPla fires back up! And to totally pave way into buying paints that my Nu Gundam desperately needs (black). So I rushed to the market to buy some paints but damn, I forgot the black but has purchased every paint the WZ needs. So the SD Nu will again, wait for another day (hopefully not months, heck, NOT a year!). Without further adieu, Wing Zero PAINT IKIMASU!!
Started off with the shield which for me looks like it is the most PITA piece to paint
Painted the clear piece TAMIYA clear green to add a bit more depth to its greenyness lol
My favorite piece to paint as usual, coloring the eyes (used metallic green for eyes and forehead cam; enamel black for the eye outline)
Well, not a WIP but here's some to indulge yourself on what it was before painting
I was not able to take photos of the shield but it's now red. Masking wasn't as smooth but still cleanly put. Head is also in the works and is on the pan. Hopefully I can do more progress tomorrow. Currently scraping off the nub marks and cleaning the left arm. Stay tuned for more WIP of this classical model :)
0naphfuMgeosa-1981 Juan Reyes https://wakelet.com/wake/Gx2MAJ9sHcS28KY2APRx2