Fresh from its manga finale, Naruto has been the "Dragon Ball" of the millennial kid. Does the SHF figure stack up to Naruto's on-screen success? Run Naruto run Ninja 101: Stealth I'm Naruto Uzumaki! What I like is ramen, especially the kind at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minute wait after you pour in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating ramen. And my dream... is to be the next Hokage-tebayo!!! Believe it! Kunai kill Secret jutsu.... ....Mold that chakra........ Unleash a thousand years of PAIN Futon Rasengan Pros: Details Accessories Tight joints Cons: Normal face looks meh Rasengan effect looks a little weird Articulation restriction especially the shoulders This is a great Naruto action figure but I think SHF could have done a lot better. Articulation is good but not so w...