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Showing posts from January, 2014

Bandai RG Strike Freedom - Review

I honestly can't remember the last time I had my hands cleaning nubs. Model kits. Mentioning it shrieks fear. It stomps horror thinking how pain in the ass it has become to build plamo. I remember though, how passionate I was diligently cleaning each nub marks, painting, detailing every inch and corner of my romance. Craving another kit after spending hours, heck, even days burning my hungry GunPla heart to its content. And then it stopped. Burnout I guess? Still, I do have a soft spot for mechs and I did not stop loving the franchise. A shift from kits to figures was the medicine of my ailing hobby. With the solidity and articulation Robot Damashii has provided made me less interested in building. So.... What got me into model kits again? Exciting releases such as the one being reviewed, the announced Real Grade Exia, and some other 1/144's HG & RG's I haven't got my hands on (Zeta, RX-178), and a a bit of inspiration coming from unexpected gifts *grin* <3. ...

Play Arts Kai Man of Steel Superman & The Dark Knight Trilogy Batman - Review

Woohoo! My first post high kicking gear onto 2014! Good brother lent his PAK figures for my eyes (and lens) to behold. Lo and..... BEHOLD! Man of Steel Supes and Bale Bats DC offering the worlds finest: Goodness gracious these figures are a looker! First 360 stop - Kal El From the depths of shadows I present the Dark Knight Extras: Definitive drama hands for Supes; Bat gadgets c/o Lucius Fox for Bats .........Aaaaaaaand ACTION! I'm godly and I know it ♫ Why, hello there Bruce Don'cha think it's time to give the world the FINEST duel it deserves? .....? The duel it deserves.... Yes. But not the one we need right now!  What would you being the mightiest jerk... I mean, hero the world has ever known would get challenging a mere mortal? Ain'cha a little pussy Bruce? World's greatest detective gonna go home in yer puny Bat hole and cry to momma Alfred? O__o ....Oh no you didn't!? I ain't got no ...