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Showing posts from 2012

Bandai RD 00 Quan[T] - Review

2012's days are waning. Life has been good but still looking to find time for myself. The hobby offered precious moments (yes, my childhood frustrations with 'toys') to enjoy me being me. Cheesy opener out of the way, I got a Robot Damashii 00 Quan[T] from a friend in a Gundam party! Condition was a bit loose but I was able to get this baby for 1.1k cheap. 360 Color accuracy is perfect as with all of my Robot Damashii's That GN Drive at the back looks good Humble set of accessories (this is all what Quan[T] has so it's fine unless you want the Full Saber). Hmm, not quite sure what those red pieces are for. Didn't bother using them lol 飛ぶ!ガンダム! SSJ!!!  ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ GURAA AAHHHH!!! .. .. Had fun with an android app (Photo Grid) whooooosh! 行く Bits- u! Badass level over 9000! GN Sword V c-c-c-combine (Warm photos thanks to my T.V....

Bandai HG 00 7 Sword/G - Review

It's that time of the year when Pinoy GunPlars unite. GFP's 1/144 Year End challenge. Yes. Hell yeah. I'm in. My previous year's entry  00 Raiser (Liminality)  was a bit on the safe side focusing on execution. A pretty straight forward approach in which paid off *cough* did get 5th (mom was proud BTW). 2012 was a good run gunning my aggressive side in trying out a lot of new stuff. I sure did improve on creativity and paint jobs were smoother. My SD Zeta Karaba project was a long shot but eventually turned out AWESOME. Learned patience too! (if that's a skill). On a funk lately scrapping time off GunPla making way for priorities (work - as if I have a choice). The challenge cranked up my juices to end the year with something new and exciting! I present - 00 7 Sword/G MAXIMALITY (Lamborghini theme) Strayed away from the comfort zone and pushed my luck dry brushing. What I've learned here is that you just can't dab and paint away. You n...

Revoltech Yamaguchi Himura Kenshin - Review

It's probably figure month day for October 2012! Another awesome piece from Revoltech Yamaguchi that rekindles the inner child in me. Samurai X. One of the classics that has stood the test of time and is considered to be one of the monumental gears (along with some greats during its time; aaahh good times the late 90's) in introducing Japanimation to the world. Without further adieu, meet and greet Mr. Himura. 360 Chill ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ...Shit just got serious 0.8765925sec Iaido!!!!! Still fresh from my boy mind how I pee'd my pants when Kenshin pulled of the spinning Hitten Mitsurugi  ಠ_ಠ holy mother of..... #&*%@! Hitten Mitsurugi style: "They see me rollin'!" Blam! And they see you flyin' Pros: Superb details Cons: Legs seem a bit loose "Limited" articulation Revoltech Yamaguchi's figures seeing and feeling two of them, con...